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Lo Phos E+®




  • Powerful enzymes eliminate scum lines, oils, lotions and other contaminates
  • Reduces chlorine demand and costs
  • Improves water clarity
  • Compatible with all pool chemicals and pool surfaces
  • Maintenance usage can remove up to 500 ppb phosphates weekly
  • 148 mL treats 38 m3 weekly

Chlorine demand caused by organic contaminates such as oils, lotions, plant and animal waste can cause hazy water conditions, scum lines, increased chlorine consumption and difficulty managing water balance. Using Lo-Phos® E regularly during pool maintenance can significantly improve all these conditions, saving time and money maintaining your pool.

Dosage and Directions

Dosage and Directions Tab

Add 148 mL Lo-Chlor Lo-Phos E+ per  38 m3 (29 mL per 7.5 m3) weekly to prevent scum lines, oil buildup and to remove phosphates from water.

Directions for use:

For best results add appropriate dose, per directions, of Lo-Chlor Metal Gone to pool before using Lo-Chlor Lo-Phos E+. Add Lo-Phos E+ directly to pool or spa water with pump running, distributing over as wide an area as possible.

  • Run filtration system continuously for 24 hours.
  • Check filter pressure regularly and backwash, if necessary.
  • For pools with high phosphate levels (above 1000 to 5000 ppb) treat water with Lo-Phos Max before treating water with Lo-Phos E+.
  • Does not affect water balance.


Specifications Tab
SKU LPE008-12 LPE05-1 LPE55-1
Unit Size 12 per case 1 Jug 1 Drum
Volume 946mL 18.9 L 208 L
Cases per Pallet 48 cases - 4 cases
Shipping Weight 14.5 kg 20.4 kg 243 kg

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